Thursday, May 1, 2008

A blast from the past

Sunday night while we were eating dinner we got a phone call from Max's school that said school was canceled Monday because of the fire in Sierra Madre. (He goes to Sierra Madre Elementry School.) So, the first thing we did Monday morning was take a trip to good ole Michaels craft store. I let the kids pick out one thing. Mia picked out finger paints, of course it had to be messy, and Max picked out a necklace making kit. It just so happened to be a hemp necklace kit. So funny! I instantly had flash backs to the 90's when I considered myself a professional hemp necklace maker. I think it was a St. George soccer girl thing, sadly, but I had mean hemp skills regardless. I would go to the bead store with my friends once every few weeks to pick out the latest rockin' bead items. It always reeked of insense that was covering up the smell of pot. Ha ha! Anyways, I would go home and master up my latest creation and then give it to the "boy of the month." Just whoever I was interested in at the time. They were always very excited and loved their necklaces. (Again, not sure if that was just a St. George thing. I'm sure it very well could be.)

When we got home I pulled out all the stuff for necklace making and wondered if I could even make anything. I was a little shocked, more impressed but slightly embarrassed when after 10 years my hands knew exactly what to do. I whipped together a bracelet for Mia and a necklace for Max. They weren't the best work I've done but I enjoyed my blast from the past. Hope you enjoy it too.

This only lasted a few hours.

He was so excited to wear this to school. Cute little hippie boy!


The Hyer Family said...

Wow Niki...who knew??? I think it was a St. George thing...we didn't do the hemp thing down here so least not at La Canada High...nice work on the jewelry...looks great!

Laura Taylor said...

Hey, you're pretty good at that! Where's mine? ;) Did Nicole make those with you? I think I remember her wearing those.

La La Land said...

It was a Utah thing!!! I used to make hemp jewelry, and I was dang good at it. Yet another thing we have in common!

Erika Ann Mouritsen said...

those are pretty sweet.

ah i don't think ia m going to powerdam. so next year we are going to go k?
i will let ya know more about disney land really soon!! it is in june the first monday and tuesday but ui will let ya know for sure!

megan said...

hemp was cool when I was in high school...I think I may still have a bracelet lying around. Max did a good job!! You must have passed that gift on to him :-)

Anonymous said...

Radical! HAHA! That's funny that its such a sporty girl thing. Our softball team made them with little softball beads...they were awful!

Jean said...

Nice!!! I love it! You are awesome.

Lesley said...

I love this! Shaylee (Landons wife) loves hemp jewlery. She asked me if i could remember how to make them. Sure enough, like riding a bike, it came right back. Then all of andrea's girls wanted to learn the skill. It brought me right back to crafts in the 10th grade, weaving hemp with my little buddies....great memories. Thank for the laugh!

Hillary said...

You're a regular Martha Stewart (minus the trip to prison). You should have your own show!