Friday, April 11, 2008

Why my kids are crazy!!!

My kids are what the average person would call "high energy." By the end of the day I feel like I've taken a sleeping pill and can't keep my eyes open. They wear me out! I captured the tail end of what I like to refer to as "why they are the way they are." So, if you too were wondering where my kids get their insanity from, let your wonders cease. This is living proof.


Kizzycakes said...

oh that's how it is in your family too? i especially love when john gets home from work at bedtime and plays this kind of game with the kids. aren't we just grateful for such "fun" dads? and thank you for the footage from hudson. it brings back such lovely memories. we miss you guys!

Laura Taylor said...

That's to funny. It's amazing what kids find fun. Josh does stuff like that right before I try and put the girls to bed!