Thursday, April 17, 2008


So the music video for the band "RED," is finally finished. It was for Epic Records, so Nathan and I had a pretty decent budget to work with. We went all out with special effects on this and it was a pain in the butt, but totally well worth it. I have some behind the scene photos below of the production. We shot it in two days and it took a little over two weeks to do the special effects, which we're done by a team of twin brothers. It was really crazy that Nathan and I are twins, the bassist and guitarist of the band are twins, the drummer is a twin and the guys who did the visual effects are twins. Stupid twins :) Click on the photos below to see them as a larger image. It was a lot of fun to do this video. It was the first time Niki had ever been on one of my film sets and it was a lot of fun having her there and to see how it all happens.

Below is the lead singer, Michael. This is where something starts to grow on his arms. In the back you see part of the set.

Here are the producers, and the band with Nathan and I.

Me with one of the visual effects twins going over what special effects will happen during this shot.

Nathan and I talking with Micheal about the band performance. The walls are green in the background so we can add whatever we want with special effects.

This is a wide photo of the set we had built for the video. The set designers put this up in one day. It started out as 5 blank walls until they made it to what it looks like here.

This is Maria the female lead. Again, behind here is the greenscreen background which was later replaced with a white heavenly background.

Wide photo of the some of the crew filming the band.

Some of the film crew

Below is a link of a Youtube video someone put together of the filming days:

Here are some stills taken from the actual video:

And finally here is the link to the actual video:

When you get to the link, click "Directors," at the top left of the page. "The Fackrell Brothers," will appear at the far right. Click on this link and it will take you to our page where you can view our recent work. Be sure to click "RED, Already Over," and you will be able to see the video. You can also go to:
to get a better quality version of the video.

Nathan and I are directing two more videos within the next month. We wrote two more treatments that we're waiting to hear back on. (NOTE) A music label like Epic Records or Warner Brothers will send a company (like the one were signed to, The Vault LA) a song from a band they want a music video made for. We will listen to the song, and write what's called a "treatment," or our idea of what we want to do with the video. Usually for Nathan and I the treatments we write are around four pages long. This tells the music label what our video will be like, what it will look like, feel like and make the band look like. Usually were in the running for the video with around a dozen other directors writing ideas and such. So it's great when they "award," us the video because they liked our idea the best. So anyway, we were awarded two more videos and we're waiting to hear back on two more, both with a lot of money to work with. Currently I have written a script and will be directing that episode for the television show "Yo Gabba Gabba," for Nickelodeon. The band "Mates of State," will be on the show and I have the great pleasure of directing them in a music video for the show. More info will follow within the coming weeks.


Odell Family said...

Wow Matt! That is an awesome video. I'm excited that I can now brag that I had someone famous direct our wedding video :) I'm really looking forward to the Gabba Gabba video too.

Susie said...

AAUUGGHH!!! That video is so freaking sweet!!! You guys did an awesome job! *sniffle* I'm so proud...

Carr Family said...

I'm totally impressed!! How cool would it be to watch a music video come together like that.
Very Awesome!!

(Sidenote)Niki- I was going to tell ya that I use Photoshop (lots of people use Photoshop elements and they are very similar) for all that digi-scrap booking buisness. Once you get the basics of the program down...pages can be produced quite quickly. It does take some time to get used to the program though. If you get photoshop, call me and I'll walk you through it step by step if you want. Let me know. I Loved Matt's video and I can't wait to see what's next in Niki's world.

Nat said...

Wow, cool video! It must be so fun to see it come together. Small request, can you have lots and lots of DJ Lance in your episode? Fallon has this weird thing for him...

Anonymous said...

Im so happy im related to you guys!!! I can't wait to see the "Mates of State" episode! My little sister was freaking out-it's one of her favorite bands.

p.s. If you ever want to know how to do digi scraping or photo editing, I can help you out too. Also I have a bunch of stuff already downloaded and burned onto disks-if you want a copy, let me know.

T.K. said...

That looks freakin' amazing. I bet your hubby is having the time of his life?? Good job

La La Land said...

So cool!! And you get paid to do this? I'm sure it's fun even though you have to work like a dog. The video looks SO good!

Kizzycakes said...

wow -- you're pretty cool. i don't even get how you make something like that. awesome. glad to hear things are going well for you guys. one question, have you bought a blender yet? maybe a few more gigs, and you'll be there, huh? :)

The Facks of Life said...

No! We still don't have a blender! Ha ha! And now we need a new toaster too. Stay tuned Christy....I'll let you know when the big event happens.

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