Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Welcome Lucas Matthew Fackrell

Lucas Matthew Fackrell
Height - 20 Inches
Weight - 7 pounds 3 ounces
Date of birth - July 30th, 2008
Time of birth - 6:20 pm


dana said...

Congrats! He's a cutie! Looks like all went well on Hudson.

Jenn said...

He is so cute. Congrats!

Phill, Allie, and kids said...

Way to go! And I'm happy to see that he actually came out a boy! I bet Max was ecstatic! Good luck with 3! He's darling!

The Andelins said...

Yay!!! I am SO glad he decided to come before August!!!!!!!! He's adorable!!! Can't wait to see you guys next week! xoxo

The Hyer Family said...

Let me know how 3 goes...congrats on a cute boy!!!

gunnfam said...

So glad you got your list done before he came! He's so adorable, can't wait to meet him. Grace wants to play with Mia so we'll take her whenever you want!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! He's so cute! He looks like Max! I wan't to squeeze him!

Jean said...

CONGRATULATIONS NIKI!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Yaaaay, you're not pregnant anymore, haha! He is absolutely adorable - he looks just like his siblings!! CONGRATS!!! Way to go!!

Hillary said...

He looks so tiny (even though he is by far your biggest baby). Super cute. Like magazine cover kinda cute.

Congrats! Love you guys!

Melissa said...

How adorable and a boy!! I thought that was going to happen to me. At least you found out before he came into the world! How awkward that would have been to send him home in pink frilly clothes! Congratulations!!!!

dietcokegrrl said...

YAY! Congratulations--he is so cute!! Glad it all went well!

Ryan and Kim said...

We are so happy for you guys! Love the name Lucas too. Good name for such a short amount of time to pick it out. Give him kisses for us until we can see him ourselves.

sachia said...

Yay! SO happy for you both. Glad mama and baby are fine!



Lesley said...

He is so cute! He looks just like Max! Congrats! He missed Austin's birthday by one day, and they weighed exactly the same! Yay on making an early arrival!

Shawn, Hayley and Jack said...

congrats, he is darling.

shaylee burr said...

wow he is soooooo cute :) congrats!!! and we agree he does look exactly like max!! cute.

Erika Ann Mouritsen said...

I am so excited for you guys!
He sure looks a lot like Max.
I bet Mia and Max are jumping off the walls they are so excited!
I wouldn't blame them!

Ruth said...

Congrats you guys! And good luck ith 3!

Em said...

You look like your 12 how can you have three kids? HA I'm so glad I'm a blog stocker so I could find you... How are you doing? We were just talking about you and your family the other day and how much we missed you guys! Congrats on the new one he is a cute little guy next time your in town you need to stop by my parents we need to see your kids they are so old! Your family is way good and I hope all is well!!!!!!!
Love ya, em

Stars&Straps said...
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Laura Taylor said...

Congrats!! He is so cute!

This is Carrie said...

Congrats you guys! He's adorable. And I swear there is something about that #3 child, they just steal your heart like you never thought they could.