Saturday, July 12, 2008

Two shocked parents and an extatic brother!

I woke up this morning to the phone was Max. This is how the conversation went...

Max: "Hi Mom. Is there still a chance that the baby could be a boy and I could have a brother?"

Me: "We are going in an hour to get another picture of the baby and find out for sure, but don't be planning on it so you're not disappointed ok?"

Max: "Ok, I won't. But I still really want a brother."

Me: "I know Max but we don't get to decide what this baby is going to be. A sister will be just as fun as a brother. I'll call you as soon as we get the ultrasound and let you know."

Max: "Alright, I'll be waiting for you to call."

We had an ultrasound done when I was 18 weeks pregnant. Like everyone else we wanted to know if we were having a boy or a girl. We felt like we were having a boy so we were so surprised when we found out it was a girl. It took us about 10 minutes to adjust to the fact and then we were excited. Well, we went and got another ultrasound today. I'm over 36 weeks now and we just got the shock of our lives!!! As soon as they pulled up the picture I looked at the reaction on the ultrasound techs face and knew. I said..."That's a penis!" "Yep." I looked over at Matt and I swear I could've picked his jaw up off the ground. He was shocked! This cute black lady was sitting next to him and said, "Ohhhh, I wish you would've got that reaction on tape. He's shocked.! I'm not gunna forget that one for a long time." She was cracking up. Anyway, after seeing these pictures I'm not sure if our Dr. needs glasses or what. It seems very obvious to me that this is a boy. Again, it took about 10 minutes to get used to the fact and we are both excited. I called my mom and told her to get the video camera ready, I wanted Max's reaction to this news on tape. They called me about 30 minutes later. Matt and I put Max on speaker phone so we could both hear his reaction. It was so cute to hear him over the phone. After I said, "Max, we just found out the baby is a boy, and you're going to have a brother." There was a long pause and I heard a roar of laughter in the background. Matt's mom, my mom, my grandma and who knows who else, were cracking up over Max's reaction. He didn't know what to say at first and then he couldn't stop laughing and just kept saying, "Yay, I'm so excited." I am so happy for him...he really wanted this little brother so bad. Congratulations Max!

With all that said, let me just say, I'm so sorry to all the people who have made or bought girl gifts for us. Thanks so much anyways! And now for the proof!!!

The baby is posterior right now so we had a hard time getting a shot of all the goods together. This was the best one of all three parts in the same shot.


I don't know how you could mistake that for a girl! Sorry Ronald Wu...either you need to retire or invest in some killer glasses! :)


Anonymous said...


I guess I'll have to trade you blankets. I'll give the kitty one to my cousin and I'll make you a new one-I have some cool fabric already!

We're so happy for Max!

Yeah for brothers!!!

Jean said...

Hahahahahaha... that is awesome. I'm very excited for you guys and especially for Max. :-) What a crazy turn of events!! And look at you, Ms. Intuitive... turns out you knew all along!

Nat said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Oh my goodness, I can't believe it! So lucky they caught it now and not when HE made his long-awaited appearance. Dangit, looks like you won't be needing me to bring over Fallon's clothes! I'm guessing Sally's out the window?

The Hyer Family said...

wow...what more can I say??? Congrats, again, I think? Yeah for MAx, and sad for Mia!!! Good thing my shower gift has nothing to do with gender!

dana said...

So hilarious! And kinda fun for everyone. No worries, I have a boyish gift in mind and the other one...I'll just sell on my website.

Laura Taylor said...

WOW! Congrats to you and most of all Max, that's so cute. That actually kinda scares me. We were so sure we were having a boy and they said girl. Maybe I should get a second opinion!

Laura Taylor said...

So, I had to post one more. I had Josh look at your new ultrasound pics and he actaully went and got Kaitlynn's ultrasound pics and compared them to the new babies, just to make sure. Unless the goods were tucked or floating where we couldn't see them, we're having a girl no doubt!

megan said...

I had to come read your blog after talking to you in church! Oh Niki, I can't stop laughing over it! And I can't wait to talk to Max when I see him. Can't wait to see the little guy!!

Kizzycakes said...

unbelievable!!! this kinda stuff only happens to people like you. (i mean that in a good way -- you're so spontaneous and good at rolling with the punches!) congrats to max. how exciting!

Ryan and Kim said...

Yeah, I am so excited for you guys! At least you have several weeks to switch gears and plan for a boy...not a lot of time though. Have any name ideas yet?

Lesley said...

I was as shocked as Matt when grandma Burr told us, then just laughed! That is crazy! How exciting! How funny would that have been if you found out on delivery day! At my first ultra sound with Austin, they said boy, then I had another and the guy didnt know, but I knew it was a boy. It is funny how you just know isnt it? Ahhh the joys of little i love them.

Phill, Allie, and kids said...

Crazy! That is so cute that Max is so darn excited! Hopefully your doctor will take the money that you pay him and buy some updated glasses! So what's the little fella's name? Keep us updated!

Shawn, Hayley and Jack said...

That is so crazy! I feared that the whole time I was pregnant. Well... that is great for Max. He is the funniest kid. We saw him, Mia and your dad at Lins a few days ago. He always cracks me up. Well that's exciting!!!!

Hillary said...

How that went an additional 18 weeks undetected is insanity? When my brother was having his second kid they had the ultrasound at 18 weeks and the technician said "it's a girl!" My brother looked at her and said "we don't have any girl names, it needs to be a boy - check again." So she did and said "Uh, yep - that's a boy." But it was the difference of about 90 seconds not 18 long weeks or preparing pink bows and little dresses.

Regardless, as your number one blog fan - I am happy for you :)

Kerrah said...

Wow that's crazy! Maybe Max just wished hard enough. So why did you have an ultrasound at 36 weeks? It gets me scared, I guess if I ever get pregnant and they tell me it's a girl, I'll have to keep checking, just in case.

The Facks of Life said...

Ok, so I had an ultrasound at 36 weeks because I wanted to make sure it was a girl. That's what the dr. said, but I was still unsure. Good thing my intuition kicked in...I must have known. We don't have a name picked out yet. Between that and swapping all the pink for blue, it's priority right now. It actually hasn't been a bad transition. Just trying to get used to calling it a he instead of a she. But we're excited!

dietcokegrrl said...

WOW!! Congrats!! Hope Mia isn't too disappointed and I know Max is thrilled!

Mark and Niki said...

That is insane!!! Oh my heck, I can't believe how funny and annoying that is...It really is awesome!! It is even more crazy that you thought it was a boy to start! Congrats!

Jana Homer said...

That is nuts! So what happened to you is what my husband always thinks is going to happen to us. With both of our girls' ultrasounds he swears they are wrong and the baby is going to come out a boy! I can't wait to tell him your story! Congrats!!

T.K. said...

That is so crazy, I can't believe that!! Max just knew didn't he.

A and J said...

Now , in defense of the docter, and with Matt as the father, you have to admit it does make it a little more difficult to discern the gender. Sorry Matt, I guess the cats out of the bag.

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