Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Last minute projects

Things I had to get done before baby comes.

1. Hang curtains in my room.

2. Get carpets cleaned.

3. Organize

4. Get all baby stuff ready.

5.Pull Max's tooth. Finally!

6. Paint this little rocking chair for Mia. (So she has somewhere to rock her baby. If you ask her she'll tell you she's having a baby.) It turned out really cute

Nothing left to do, no baby yet, ready as ever for him to come! Anyone wanna come over and break my water? I'll pay you!


Phill, Allie, and kids said...

How much are ya paying?! haha!

Jean said...

Wow, I am totally impressed with your pre-baby diligence. Rock on! Nice rocking chair, too! It's totally cute!!!

Just give me a call, and I'll come over and sit on your belly. I don't think the baby will like it, and he'll want to get out. :-)

bean said...

I love reading this. you guys kill me. By the way I am getting a second ultra sound because of you!!!!

Anonymous said...

You didn't have to! HAHA


We can't wait to see some pictures! And I can't wait to squish him...probably not till christmas.

Love you guys! We're so happy for you!

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