Thursday, October 29, 2009

Where do I start?!

Yeah, I know, it's been awhile. How do you start blogging after it's been so long? It's like when you stop exercising and need to get back into the routine, it's hard getting back in the habit. Give me a break.

I was homeless all summer,
Dealing with, what seems to be a constant thing these days, sick kids,
Had mine and Matt's birthdays,
Our 10 year anniversary (Wew hoo!),
Weened my third and finally child from the boob. HOORAY!!!,
Moved into a new house, (big project...and I'm still not totally settled)
Threw a birthday party for Max, (he got a's been amazing!)
Got my old sewing machine, my sister-in-law Kylee gave me,'ve been sewing,
Had Mia on Yo Gabba cute!
Just finished our halloween costumes, we're The Simpsons.
Mia's birthday is next week and I haven't even started on that one...not sure when I'll find the time.
We've had company almost every weekend since we've been in our house. (which we love, it's the only way i can keep up on the bathrooms)
Oh, and since I felt like I didn't already have enough to do, I have a new puppy to care for. What was I thinking?

We're busy, and we're loving our new found lives in our amazing neighborhood with our amazing neighbors in beautiful Altadena.

When I get a chance I'll post pictures...(can't wait to share our family photos from this summer) but for now, love on this...


lyndsey said...

OMG. niki is back from blogging hiatus?!?! could it be true??? this might be the happiest day of my life.

good recap of the last, oh, six months of life. i'm pretty sure you're still missing some things, but that ain't bad. love the pic of mia and can't waaaait to see you next month. in person.

Em said...

Yeah you are back! We have missed you! I am so happy I got to see you this summer. She is so stinkin cute what a sweet happy girl. Hope you all get feeling better soon. Can't wait to see LOTS of pictures!

megan said...

yeah!!! niki is back!!! been waiting for this day! and hope the new posts keep coming!!!

so happy for you and your house!!! just wish I could come see it!!!!

and congrats on everything else! you guys are awesome!

dana said...

I'm so glad you're back! Can't wait to see more pics!

Jean said...

Sounds like you've been a teensy bit busy lately!! I'm glad you're back to blogging again. Yay!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, the blogging world has missed you!

Mia looked so freaking cute for yo gabba gabba-Love the socks!

My mom will be happy to know that the old sewing tank is in good use. Sorry it's such a tank.

We are so EXCITED to come this weekend-(hopefully, you aren't too tired oh house guests.)See you tomorrow!

dietcokegrrl said...

YAY! You're back to blogging!

Cutest picture of Mia, BTW. Love it!!

Annie Koop said...

That's so exciting that you are in your new house and back to the Pasadena area!!

The Andelins said...

Could Mia be any cuter?? Seriously- so cute!! (P.S. It is about time you posted!! I missed you!)

Carr Family said...

How did you even find the time to put up this post? Can't wait to see and hear more.