Wednesday, June 17, 2009

4 reasons why I will never forget this week!

1. Max's class had a Poem Party. It was really fun to watch all these brave kids get up in front of all those adults and recite poems. They all did such a good job and were very funny. After they entertained us, we all went into the class room and had a brunch.

Max and his friend Nathan
2. Mia graduated from Preschool! Her teachers had a graduation party. She was so excited to get her diploma and bag of books, crayons, scissors, glue, chalk..etc. What a fun and memorable day for her.

3. My kidney stone! Yes, you heard me right. I don't have a ton of time to explain but let me just say, YES...I WOULD RATHER HAVE A BABY! I woke up Sunday night with such an intense pain I couldn't breathe. I thought I pulled a muscle in my back. After two days of pain I finally thought, hey, maybe it has something to do with my kidney. I know where the kidney is located and from being a massage therapist, I should have known sooner that a sharp stabbing pain in my side is not what a pulled muscle feels like. I began my online research and sure enough I had all the symptoms. As you may know, we have been training very hard for months in preps for a relay race we are running this weekend with my family. Great timing stupid kidney stone. If you know me well at all, you know I will try everything I can before going to the Dr. Not that the Dr. is bad, I just knew that I would be given painkillers and sent home to die, so before that could happen I was online researching home remedies. I tried everything! Asparagus and coke, apple cider vinegar, heat, oobles of water, magnesium citrate (tip from my chiropractor brother). I even ran 6.5 miles yesterday morning hoping it would jostle the little bugger out.

Last night I was beginning to get a little frustrated. It was like being in labor for 4 days. Matt found a website that finally cured me! So here it is...

MY KIDNEY STONE CURE....2 ounces of lemon juice mixed with 2 ounces of olive oil, followed by a giant glass of water. I did that last night before going to bed. It was nasty but I would've done anything! After that the pain got much worse so I took some advil and went to sleep. When I got up this pain was GONE! Finally! I can't believe it worked...and I'm so glad it did.

This is me the morning before birthing my kidney stone. I was hurting!

4. We're moving out! We spent our last night in our apartment last night and we are off to St. George today for the summer. (minus Matt, who will be staying here to work) We are so glad school gets out today and we are ready for a fun summer with family.

On a side note...Luke loves lemons. No kidding, I tried to take this from him and he screamed bloody murder.

I'm not sure if I will get a chance to blog while gone all summer but I will try. Have a great summer and stay cool! :)


megan said...

so glad your kidney pain is gone!!! and i hope the race goes well. you know i'm gonna be after you for a recap and pictures!!!

congrats to both max and mia! mia was so cute at graduation! and max's poem party just sounds cool!

love the pic of lucas and the lemon! (That'd be a good book title) elijah lovesss lemons too! and caden loves to taste the lemon juice in my fridge. what's up with kids?!

oh and have a fun summer jesus lovers

dana said...

Wow. that IS a memorable week. SO SORRY you've been in so much pain. I'm glad it's gone!
have a great time in Utah and exciting to have a new place to live when you get back!
Lucas with the lemon is too funny.

lyndsey said...

yeah!!! you're healed! glad you survived your crazy week(s) -- have a good trip. we will miss you. see you in two weeks!

Lesley said...

My old boss told me once about the lemon juice. She takes it as a preventative measure now!

Em said...

Wow that is intense I'm so sorry! We should get together while you are in town!!!! :)

Ps your kids are so stinkin cute!

B Brown said...

Holy moly you're brave for passing a kidney stone with home remedies! Probably won't see you before you head off for the summer, so enjoy St. George and try to blog all your fun stuff so we don't miss out on all the Fackrell Fun this summer.

La La Land said...

Sorry about your stone. I've heard it's worse than child birth!

Have fun in UT this summer...I had no idea you were moving for the summer!

dietcokegrrl said...

Glad the kidney stone is gone! Have fun in St George--we'll see when you get back!!

Annie Koop said...

Sorry we didn't get to see you before you left!! Have fun in St. George!!! I hope that your race goes well!!! Glad to hear that the stone finally passed!!!

Brittany said...

Hey there, Niki! That kidney stone story sounded horrible! I don't know how you could stand it for three days. Daniel lasted about half an hour before he made me take him to the ER.

Good luck with your summer excursion. Sounds daring!

Oh, I keep meaning to ask you if you and/or your husband know my brother, Will Kindrick.

I haven't been back to the Pasadena Ward in awhile. I miss our hallway and mother's lounge chats.

lyndsey said...

I MISS YOU. when are you coming back to the blogging world??

geez, this post seems like it was SO long ago. crazy.

Jill Christian Di Pietro said...

Niki! You posted this so long ago so I don't know if you'll ever read this comment, but I love your natural remedy story on the kidney stone! I have a blog all about natural remedies. Check it out at P.S. It was so fun to see you this summer at Hazel's party. I wish I would've known you were in town sooner! Can we come visit you in L.A.?