Saturday, December 5, 2009

Toothless wonder

Ladies and gentlemen!

We proudly present....

Our adorable 16 month old baby boy....

with a tooth!!!!
(no tooth photos yet...he freaks out when i try and take a picture of it.)

Yes, it's a big deal!

Max is loosing them, Luke is getting them.

Right in time for Christmas. :)


The Andelins said...

how freaking cute is Luke in that hat!?!?!? Oh gosh, I want to steal him! We miss you guys! XOXO

Jean said...

WOOHOO!!! So, is the Tooth Fairy just transferring Max's teeth to Lucas, then? Seems efficient to me.

Anonymous said...


Em said...

I hate when they grow them but they definitely come in handy when eating! Congrats Luke! Good luck to you!

The Burnham Bunch said...

hes such a cute little man! ellie's binki is still attached to her too.

Allison said...

That sweet little face... That sweet little toothy face... Did I mention Tessa's got #5 and 6 in now? freaky.