Saturday, April 26, 2008

Going all brown, violin, soccer and dance

Ok, let's start this blog with a bang! Matt was going to work this week and I wouldn't let him leave the house until I took a picture of him. He came out of the bedroom and said bye to me and was wearing all brown. What? What are you wearing?! He announced that he was "going all brown" today. Whatever that means. Anyway, it was dorky enough that I had to capture the moment. I love that he let me. At least he fits in in the film industry with all the other I-could-care-less-what-my-clothes-look-like crowd. (The middle of his shirt is wet, I know, that's how he irons it.)

Max had his first violin performance today. He did very well and has been playing the violin now for two months. He played twinkle twinkle. I'll post the video footage as soon as I get a chance so grandmas and grandpas can see it. But for now, here he is looking terribly bored!

Max is playing indoor soccer. I know every parent thinks their kids are amazing but I have to say I might beat you all on this one. He rocks! He really is so good and I would like to credit myself but I think it's something he was born with. He's always been extremely coordinated. He has had two games so far and has scored 4 goals EACH game. I captured a free kick he made. (someone fouled him in the box) Sorry the images aren't that great, I had to zoom in and I don't have the best camera for catching things in action.

Before the goal. Coach telling him what to do.

Here goes!

Right in the corner! Goal keeper didn't have a chance!

And lastly, Mia just started a dance class two weeks ago. She loves it! She's in the class with her friend Grace and they can hardly contain themselves. They break out into their own routine and dance together once in awhile. They can't help it, it's too fun! We just think she's so cute in her ballet outfit.
The curse of the Fackrell posture!

What a nice big brother. She makes him dance with her all the time and he HATES IT...but still does it.

Kids don't get any cutter then this!


Kizzycakes said...

so cute. so fun. we miss.

Nat said...

oh my goodness, so very cute! the brother/sister love is adorable.

A and J said...

Matt, I have to say that is one sweet outfit!! I can't belive how much your kids have grown. We miss you and will be coming to Laguna in August!! We can't wait.


Hillary said...

Does Matt have aspirations of working for UPS?

dana said...

Thank you for clarifying the wet spot on the brown shirt...cause that was going to be my first comment.
And holy cute kids. I don't think they can get cuter, although they must...since #3 is on the way. I'm sure she'll join the ranks on the cuteness scale.

Phill, Allie, and kids said...

Do you look at her and think "MINNIE ME"? Cuz you should!

سكاي للتنظيف said...

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